Who is Kushal Kumar? New ‘Nostradamus’ Predicts Exact Date of World War 3

Who is Kushal Kumar? New 'Nostradamus' Predicts Exact Date of World War 3
Who is Kushal Kumar? New ‘Nostradamus’ Predicts Exact Date of World War 3
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Kushal Kumar New ‘Nostradamus’ Predicts Exact Date of World War 3: A man named Kushal Kumar has gained attention. People are calling him the new ‘Nostradamus.’ The reason? He predicts the exact date of World War 3. This is causing a lot of discussions and concerns. Let’s dive into who Kushal Kumar is and why his predictions are making headlines.

Kushal Kumar, a renowned astrologer from India, hailing from Sector 20 in Panchkula, Haryana, has gained recognition as the modern-day ‘Nostradamus’. He has garnered attention for his accurate predictions of major global events by utilizing the Vedic astrological chart.

This ancient chart, deeply ingrained in Hindu traditions, is considered a guide to our destiny, reflecting the influence of planetary and celestial alignments. Kumar has successfully foretold escalations in conflicts involving Israel and Hamas, China and Taiwan, as well as Russia and NATO in the past.

Kushal Kumar’s Prediction of World War 3

As per the report from the ‘Daily Star’, Kumar has expressed concerns about the year 2024, specifically highlighting May 8, as a period of heightened global conflicts. He emphasized that tensions would escalate between North and South Korea, China and Taiwan, the Middle East, and Ukraine and Russia. Kumar has recently made a prediction that World War 3 might potentially be initiated on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, influenced by powerful planetary forces. However, he also acknowledged the potential significance of June 10 and 29 in this context.

The ‘New Nostradamus’

Kushal has earned the title of the modern-day ‘Nostradamus’, as he is often compared to Michel de Nostredame, a renowned French astrologer famous for his work ‘Les Propheties’. Released in 1555, this book comprises of 942 poetic quatrains that numerous individuals believe accurately foresaw major historical occurrences, including the Great Fire of London, the French Revolution, the ascension of Napoleon and Adolf Hitler, both world wars, and the devastating bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Who is Kushal Kumar?

Kushal Kumar is an astrologer from India. He has been practicing astrology for many years. Astrology is a field that involves predicting future events based on the positions of stars and planets. It is not a science but has many followers worldwide. Kumar claims to have made many accurate predictions in the past.

Kushal Kumar, known as the “new Nostradamus,” is an Indian astrologer who uses Vedic astrology to predict significant global events. His predictions are based on the Vedic astrological chart, which is deeply rooted in Hindu culture and is believed to be a “map of our karma” based on planetary and star alignments.Kumar has gained attention for his accurate predictions of global events, including escalations in tensions between various countries. Some of his notable predictions include:

  1. Israel-Hamas Conflict: Kumar predicted the escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas in 2014, which led to the Gaza War.
  2. China-Taiwan Tensions: He forecasted increased tensions between China and Taiwan in 2016, which ultimately led to a series of military exercises and diplomatic tensions.
  3. Russia-NATO Tensions: Kumar predicted a rise in tensions between Russia and NATO in 2014, which was marked by the annexation of Crimea by Russia and the subsequent sanctions imposed by the West.

Kumar’s predictions are based on the analysis of planetary and star alignments in the Vedic astrological chart. He claims that these alignments can reveal patterns and trends that influence global events. While his predictions have garnered significant attention, they are not universally accepted and should be viewed with a critical eye.

Kumar’s recent prediction of World War 3 has sparked widespread interest, with many wondering if his forecast is accurate. However, it is essential to approach such predictions with a healthy dose of skepticism and to consider multiple sources before drawing conclusions.

His Journey into Astrology

Kumar’s journey into astrology began at a young age. He was fascinated by the stars and planets. He started learning about astrology from books and local experts. Over time, he gained a lot of knowledge and started making predictions. His predictions range from personal horoscopes to global events.

Previous Predictions

Kushal Kumar’s fame grew with his accurate predictions. He has predicted natural disasters, political events, and economic changes. For example, he claims to have predicted the COVID-19 pandemic. He also talks about predicting stock market crashes and political shifts in various countries.

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The World War 3 Prediction

Kumar’s prediction about World War 3 has grabbed the most attention. He has given a specific date for when he believes the war will start. According to him, World War 3 will begin on March 20, 2025. This has caused a wave of reactions. Some people are terrified, while others are skeptical.

How Did He Predict It?

Kumar explains that his prediction is based on astrological charts. He studied the positions of planets and stars. He claims that certain planetary alignments indicate a major conflict. He believes these alignments will occur in March 2025, leading to a global war.

Public Reaction

The public’s reaction to Kumar’s prediction is mixed. Some people believe him and are preparing for the worst. They are stockpiling supplies and making emergency plans. Others think it is just another doomsday prediction that won’t come true. They point out that many such predictions have been made in the past and did not happen.

Experts’ Opinions

Astrologers and scientists have different views on Kumar’s prediction. Some astrologers support his findings. They agree that the planetary alignments he mentions are significant. However, scientists dismiss his prediction. They argue that there is no scientific basis for astrology. They say that predicting a war based on stars and planets is not credible.

Media Coverage

The media has given a lot of coverage to Kumar’s prediction. News channels, websites, and newspapers are talking about it. Some are interviewing Kumar to understand his prediction better. Others are talking to experts to get their opinions. This has made Kumar a well-known figure worldwide.

Historical Context

Predictions about world events are not new. Nostradamus, a famous astrologer from the 16th century, is known for his predictions. He wrote quatrains that many believe predicted events like the French Revolution and World War II. Similarly, Baba Vanga, a blind mystic from Bulgaria, is famous for her prophecies. She is said to have predicted 9/11 and Brexit.

Preparing for the Worst

Some people are taking Kumar’s prediction seriously. They are preparing for a possible war. They are buying food, water, and other supplies. They are also making plans for safe places to stay if the war happens. This shows how deeply some people believe in predictions.

Skepticism and Criticism

Despite the attention, there is a lot of skepticism about Kumar’s prediction. Many people think it is a hoax or a way to gain fame. They point out that many doomsday predictions have been made before and none came true. Critics also question the validity of astrology as a predictive tool.

The Role of Social Media

Social media has played a big role in spreading Kumar’s prediction. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are full of discussions about it. Some people share their fears and preparations. Others share memes and jokes, showing their disbelief. Social media has made it easy for such predictions to reach a wide audience quickly.

The Psychological Impact

Predictions about catastrophic events can have a psychological impact. They can cause anxiety and fear. Some people may experience stress and panic. It is important to approach such predictions with a critical mind. It is also important to seek information from reliable sources and not let fear take over.

What Should We Do?

While it is interesting to read about predictions, it is important to stay rational. Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated with news from reliable sources.
  2. Stay Prepared: It is always good to have an emergency plan, not just for war but for any disaster.
  3. Stay Calm: Do not let fear control your actions. Evaluate information critically.

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